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16th February 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Manning   
Sunday, 29 March 2009 20:07

Storm Chase 16th February, 2005

Today was showing very little potential at all with shallow surface moisture up to 900, very weak wind shear and a big surface inversion. Little did I know, a change was coming through from Moree area; a cold front was being followed by a trough and this produced some awesome lightning during the evening. I ended up heading out to Marburg when I saw it flashing away at 2-3 strikes/second. I was a bit iffy at first heading out because this was not expected and given the low wind shear, I was a bit sceptical that anything would make it off the ranges. After passing through Ipswich it began to weaken off a bit with only 1 strike every few seconds but most of it was CG's.

I arrived at Marburg at about 8:20 and setup the tripod and couldn't believe it that things were just dead.... There was only the occasional strike now but I still managed to get a few okish shots. I guess you take these sort of risks when chasing storms on low shear days!!!

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More pictures can be found here.


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Last Updated on Monday, 30 March 2009 23:10