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The wait will finally be over... Weather Monitor for OS X is coming soon!!! The program you love for PC has just become even better with support for OS X! Watch this space for more information as progress comes along.
11th November: Progress begins on the data retrieval and main weather routines
19th March: Due to lack of time for this project, is has been put on hold until further notice.
30th June 2008: WM X is being kick started again and this time for good! - Weather Monitor X (WM 10) is now being developed completely from scratch with a new and exciting interface, as well as a few new surprises! The main interface has been developed and work on the main observations section has begun. Weather Monitor 9.11 will most likely be the last ever release of the old Visual Basic 6 version as I've now moved onto RealBasic after working with VB6 for 10 years. An advantage of using RealBasic over VB6 is there will be less memory required, the VB6 runtimes are no longer needed and the program might even be faster in the long run, so sit back for now and keep an eye on this space for upcoming announcements/progress on WM X. (PS - Screenshots of the main interface will be available very soon!)
13th July 2008: The forecast and graphs section is now working nicely and I have the history/archiving working perfectly, First screenshots of WM OSX are here!!!
20th July 2008: Warnings are now being downloaded and instead of opening up in a new window, display where the graphs section is. Options window is in the process of being made too.
17th September 2008: Progress has been high during the past few months on WM X and it's now around 80% complete, New features have been tested and old ones refined.
23rd October 2008: Get ready! Weather Monitor OSX is set for release very soon. The finishing touches are just being finalised now. If you have purchased Weather Monitor Gold less than 1 year ago, You will be allowed to upgrade your license for free for the new WM OSX version. It will still work on PC's.
A new and exciting version of Weather Monitor is just around the corner with many new features! Stay tuned for more info
Weather Monitor is a excellent weather tool which will provide you with up to date weather conditions, radar images, satellite images, synoptic charts, weather soundings, 5 day forecasts, AVN/GFS runs, data archiving, extremes logging and much more! all of this is included in the easy to use interface which is available at your fingertips.
When you first load the program, it will ask you if you connect to the internet via a Proxy Server, a lot of businesses, schools, uni's and colleges use a proxy to connect to the internet. If you are unsure if you use one you can click on yes, and if the proxy settings are in Internet Explorer's settings, Weather Monitor will pick them up for you and use them.
Weather Monitor will then proceed to download its configuration files from the update server. These files are text-based files which contain the radars, suburbs, states and other downloadable information for Weather Monitor. This will take around a minute on a dialup connection after which it will proceed to load the weather conditions for the default suburb which is set to Brisbane.
Weather Monitor Gold is here!!!!! Click here to find out more information!
After the program first loads, you will see Brisbane in the observations screen. To change this, simply choose the File menu and then select Options from it. From here you can change the state, suburb, radar and the forecast location which is displayed in the 5 day forecast. Other settings that can be changed are; auto liveupdate of Weather Monitor to the latest version, weather download interval, radar settings, BOM radar scanning for storms, and under advanced options, you can change; ftp upload options, proxy settings, weather icon settings and Weatherzone Silver login.
After you have selected the options, you can choose many items to view such as the 24 hour/monthly graph plot, 5 day forecast or any of the weather charts which are accessable via the menu at the top of the main window. The 5 day forecast is provided from Yahoo and shows what the upcoming 5 days of weather is expected to be like. Planning a fishing trip? Weather Monitor has a tidal chart which is under the main menu as well which offers quick access to viewing the tides.
The AVN/GFS run is for users who use the NOMAD servers to plot the advanced model forecast data. Users have a choice of choosing whatever run they like or they can do an avn run which will download a whole heap of the most commonly used model runs. Of course, this is all changable so the user can add or remove any avn runs they like. Weather Monitor also includes the Boltware (BFTB) sounding editor which allows you to plot soundings as well as edit/create your own soundings! If there are any severe weather warnings, the tray icon will flash red and black to let you know there is a sever weather warning current. You can also let Weather Monitor tell you if there are any storms on the radar as well by going into options and playing with the radar scanner. You can change the sensitivity, intensity level and alarm mode.
Weather Monitor allows users to access the Weatherzone Synoptic Charts, and if you have Weatherzone Silver, items such as the lightning tracker, convective outlook and commentry will also be available! All these options are packed into one easy to use interface. You can also view the weather radar which is accessible via the menu from the main window.
By default Weather Monitor downloads the weather conditions from the internet every 5 minutes which can be changed in the options. Also by default, Weather Monitor will automatically download the latest version of the program for you to ensure you are constantly being provided with the most up to date details. Weather Monitor supports running at system startup and will run in the tray as an icon. To show the main program, simply left click the icon and the main window will appear. The icon changes to the weather conditions also which is handy for a glimpse of what the weather is doing. To stop Weather Monitor running at startup, simply delete the shortcut from the "Startup" folder in the start menu called "Weather Monitor Startup".
To download Weather Monitor, click here